
Effective uses of ICT in education to enhance the learning experience

uses of ICT in education cloud technology with futuristic hologram

What is Information and Communication Technology (ICT)?

Information and communications technology (ICT) refers to all the technology used to handle telecommunications, broadcast media, intelligent building management systems, audiovisual processing, and transmission systems, and network-based control and monitoring functions.

ICT is an advanced form of IT. It’s the junction of several technologies carrying data from one place to another. Internet Service Providers (ISPs) acts as a backbone in providing internet to the world.

Role of information and communication technology in education

ICT has several advantages that are improving teaching-learning in the classroom. It enables students to communicate remotely. The Internet should be a part of an integrated teaching system. Allowing the students to explore content from the Internet is a significant turn. This not only improves the learning system but also gives students to learn new things that they desired.

With the advancements, the rise of Augmented Reality and Virtual reality gain more popularity. It allows students to work in the virtual environment rather than going in the practical field. Integrating technology into classrooms means students become more interested to learn. Technology provides diverse learning opportunities. Delivering teaching through gamification, taking students on virtual field trips is a great way to teach. Technology has an active role in the learning process, which can be hard to achieve by a traditional lecture environment.


Online teaching doesn’t lead to achieving curriculum objectives. Having good knowledge of the Internet allows us to assist students in their class activities, including the Internet. Proficient development is key to career advancement for teachers. Adding ICT in the classroom improves knowledge retention. Various technologies used to test what works best for students in retaining knowledge.

The concept of ICT in education allows teachers to live present their ideas. Students can learn 20% better by on-screen visuals. Technology helps them to prepare for a successful future. Students and teachers can acquire new skills by using technology in the classroom. Modern learning is about collaborating with others, critical thinking, developing different forms of communication and leadership skills, improving motivation, and productivity.


ICT is not just about the way of communications, but it’s also about managing our work by utilizing technology. Giving teachers knowledge of using technology enhances their teaching. Students will get a live view of what they are learning and what’s the importance of it in the real world. That’s why the Internet of Things (IOT) is becoming smarter.

To be successful, we must know how to access the various services available through the Internet. According to the report, the majority of teachers who use the Internet in teaching are those who believe that the Internet is a new way of doing things. Information and Communication Technology emphasizes teacher training as a key to the effective use of computer technology in the classroom. This creates even more opportunities for teaching and learning.

ICT adds a new mode of teaching and increase the quality of activities assigned to students. Technology encourages cooperation with students in the same classroom, even with others around the world. Teachers can use trusted online resources to enhance the traditional ways of teaching. Virtual learning environments strengthen collaboration and knowledge sharing between teachers. And valuable time used for working with students who are struggling.

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Disadvantages of using information technology in the classroom?

As ICT has various advantages, there are also some disadvantages associated with it. The most significant problem of using it in the classroom is: it requires technical knowledge. The world with a lot of people has different mindsets. Not everyone can master technology. It isn’t easy to use such techniques for the person with the non-technical mindset.

It requires a darkroom that affects eyesight—looking at computer screens for too long causes eye strain. Some physical problems arise that affect human health like blurred vision and back pain etc. Continuous usage of computers leads to the issue of myopia, with a prevalence rate greater than 60%.

Unfamiliarity in the students between reliable and unreliable resources is the greatest weapon that can be used to gain unauthorized access to computers. Those computers act as a botnet in launching an attack. Interacting online with others adds a layer of anonymity that you don’t receive with a face-to-face conversation. We must encourage social interactions to communicate thoughts for making life better.

Limited access to technology resources discourages students from coming and presenting their talents. Allowing and guiding them of how-to-use technical assets would prove to be fruitful for them. For that, it requires techno-friendly teaching material. Teachers, as well as students, feel no difficultly in using them. This requires smart room facilities.

Introducing technology to the classroom, we are placing the identity of our children at risk every day. Having advanced privacy filters can reduce the threat of identity loss. And not everyone can afford the technology. It’s up to teachers how they encourage and help them to use and gain access to resources—in short, getting things positive help while negativity brings lots of misuses. It’s up to us how we use them.

Factors which prevent achieving ICT in education

Over the past 25 years, national and local programs for the development of ICT in education has taken. These researches affect many studies such as teacher training, level of resources, teacher’s pedagogies and practices, teachers’ attitudes, and level resources. Many of these studies have shown that despite teacher training programs, we should increase the utilizes of ICT resources.

The teacher is the name of continuously training. They think that if they master any subject that they do not need any learning. It is not true because, in the teaching profession, we continuously enhance our knowledge and skill abilities. Therefore, if teachers see no need to change or question their current professional practice, they may not accept the use of ICT in teaching.

Some foreign countries train their teachers in the uses of ICT and how to incorporate ICT into the curriculum. In many Information and Communication Technology (ICT) professional courses, teachers are not guided by how to enhance their pedagogical practices, how to replace previous knowledge with new knowledge, how to execute ICT in the classroom, and so on. That’s why lack of this knowledge, teachers did not know how to run or how to execute ICT in teaching students. They only know how to leaning specific software packages, how to fix the scanner, how to fix the printer.

Information and communication technology (ICT) infographic

The majority of teacher’s priority is to the cognitive development of a child, to maintain order in the classroom and to have a controlled learning environment. Any idea of pick on new ideas of teaching techniques such as using ICT is happening very threatfully and not desirable. That’s why teachers are terrified of using ICT in the teaching profession and could not implementing ICT in classrooms.

If the above all problems are to affect very strongly then frequently teachers face very difficulties in their teaching profession. Because there fewer ICT resources in the school. Information and Communication Technology involves the transfer and use of all kinds of information. By using this, distance is no longer an issue when it comes to accessing information. For example, working from home, distance learning, e-banking, and e-government are now possible from any place with an internet connection and a computing device.

Projects in which individual teachers are given portable computers to develop their ICT skills have shown that teachers then start to use them in their teaching as well. But It is costly, it requires electricity and some other facilities. During the lecture, the teacher faces very difficulties with hardware and software problems. Some other issues are:

  1. Lack of teaching experience with ICT;
  2. Lack of on-site support for teachers using technology;
  3. Lack of help supervising children when using computers;
  4. Lack of IT specialist teachers to teach students computer skills;
  5. Lack of computer availability;
  6. Lack of time required to integrate technology into the curriculum successfully;
  7. Lack of financial support.

By improving such factors can encourage teachers to implement Information and Communication Technology – ICT in education.

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs

What are the examples of information and communication technology?

Some of the examples of ICT includes Telephone and radio equipment, Video conferencing equipment, Wearable Technology, Chat bots, Performance management software for goal setting, educational networking, web-based learning and Content management software.

What are at least 5 main tools of ICT?

The Best ICT tools used in education are Drawing and graphics programs, Web creation and design, Web searching, Wikis, Word processing and CMS etc. Read More

How information and communication technology is useful in foreign trade?

Digital technologies affect the form of trade by increasing the services component, making trade in certain goods such as time-sensitive products having changing patterns. Companies are well aware of the affairs throughout the world with the availability of information at their fingertips, making the trade business move more rapidly than ever before.

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